Heather Broderick

Your dream job is only a belief away

Want more money? A promotion? More fulfilment? More challenge? A better boss? More support? A new role? Fewer hours? A remote job? A move abroad?

‘Oh, but the market is saturated’

‘I have applied and am hearing nothing’

‘I will have to take a pay cut’

‘I will have to travel more’

‘I need my flexible hours to fit round the kids’

‘I must be doing something wrong as I am getting nowhere applying’

‘I could never earn a full salary doing what I love’

‘What if my next boss is worse?’

‘There is no market for what I want to do’

‘I have no idea how to start a business’

‘At least I know how to play the game here’

These are all things I have heard clients say when it comes to why they cannot go for the roles they really want.

So many people have an idea and know what they would like to do for work, but are held back by beliefs that they are not capable of making more, or better, than they earn now. The problem with these excuses is that they are, just excuses. And these excuses keep them stuck in the mundane job they are in.

The secret is that it is ALL out there; the job with the perfect boss, the remote job offering the flexibility you need, the higher pay packet, the promotion you have deserved for so long, the business you have always dreamed of creating. It is all there and it is only a belief away.

What I mean is that most of us do not believe that we are capable of better, so we stay where we are and do not make the change, and here is why: we attract what we believe.

My goal setting technique is as follows:

  1. Think it
  2. Believe it
  3. Visualise it
  4. Feel it
  5. Do it

It all starts with a thought and most of us are capable of thinking things are possible. We see success all around us and are inspired by people all day on social media, TV and in real life. However, many of us do not think it is possible for ourselves. We genuinely do not believe we are capable of becoming a millionaire, owning that business, working from our holiday home in Bali, getting the promotion we want, or getting our dream job. And so, the process stops there. Even if we try the other steps, they will very likely never come to pass because the self-belief is not there. We spend our days getting jealous of people with money, in positions we would love, who own their businesses and can plan their day as they want, and people who travel the world for work while getting paid for it.

How can we change this?

Simple – reprogramming the mind.

Our brains run on autopilot and function from the subconscious mind for 96% of each day; the thoughts we have,  our reactions to events, the emotions we feel and the events which trigger us. So, our lives will continue to pan out the way they are right now, unless we can use the conscious part of our mind to reprogramme our thoughts. Beliefs are simply thoughts that we have said so often to ourselves that we believe them. There is NO TRUTH in our beliefs and we are in control of changing them. So, if you tell yourself that you will always work two jobs because you need the money to pay rent, it is most likely that will remain true. If you tell yourself that your boss is toxic but you will not find a better boss elsewhere, life will probably pan out that way.

By consciously telling ourselves positive affirmations about things that you want to believe, eventually we will start to believe them and our lives will start to change.

Here are some affirmations to help you find a mantra for what you want to attract into your life:

  • I deserve to be in a job I love
  • I have a boss who supports and challenges me
  • I am fulfilled in my role and love going to work
  • I have a successful business which allows me to share my talent with the world
  • I work minimum hours and have a great work/ life balance
  • I am promoted into a position I love and deserve

Choose one (or some) that you like, for the things you want to attract into your life, and say these as a mantra as many times as possible each day until you get to a place where you start to believe it.

So many of us say ‘I will see it when I believe it’, when in actual fact you will see it when you believe it. Without truly believing you are capable, it will probably never come to fruition.

For the next steps on how to attract your dream job into your life, my next blog will take you through it, but do not even attempt it until you are at a point where you have an idea of what you want and you truly believe it is possible for YOU.