Heather Broderick

How to cope with constant rejection while job hunting in Dubai

Whether you have just moved to Dubai to look for a job, left a toxic workplace hoping to find something better, or are coming back from a career break or maternity leave, Dubai’s job market is unique.

Reading the advice from talent specialists on Linkedin and social media, it is advised not to come here until you have a job secured. Others say it is impossible to get a job if you are not here or not aware of the culture and market. Some companies are increasingly hiring direct from abroad – messages are so mixed. They say to go freelance, start a business, network and get a job through connections and to tailor your CVs to each specific job description. We are told ‘if we are speaking to everyone, we are speaking to no one’, so we spend hours upon hours adjusting our CV, writing cover letters, reading job specs, using AI to identify key words and attend every networking event we can.

We work on our mindset by doing daily positive affirmations, writing out actions plans, scouring job pages, practising gratitude for the extra time, despite spending every second drowning in feelings of inadequacy and financial insecurity.

Can you relate?

We are left wondering what is wrong; is it our CV? A lack of experience? Our profile not being strong enough? Not enough key words? The wrong format? Not knowing a contact to get you in the door?

We question ourselves, our decisions, our choice to move to Dubai, our choice to leave our last job and our stupidity in not saving any money during our last employment. Hindsight is an amazing thing and, if we had known our career would have taken this turn, we would never have moved here perhaps or never left our previous employment. But it is what it is, and we are here, unemployed and drastically needing to find work before it is too late.

Our mental health begins to suffer; we feel useless, defeated and frustrated. It affects our home life and whether we are supported by a partner who is now becoming resentful, or we are single and may have to consider leaving Dubai to go home, the lack of a job is the main cause of our unhappiness.

The stress of feeling like we have lost our identity and hope can make us overindulge in alcohol, food, destructive habits and can force a spiral into depression. It is serious stuff.

So how can we overcome this huge gaping hole in our lives while remaining positive?

If we knew that in 3-6 months we would find a job, most people would probably be able to plan for it and use the time productively to enjoy life more, partake in their hobbies or spend more time with family and friends. But it is the unknown. The not knowing if you will ever find a job. Wondering if a salary will ever hit your bank account again. Questioning whether you need to retrain or do a new qualification even though you may not have the funds to do so. And the uncertainty of perhaps having to take an entry level job just to get back into the workplace. It is mentally exhausting.

What is the point of the countless job applications, attending every networking event going, putting yourself out there in every way you can, spending all day on job sites hoping something will come up and having to pick yourself up from the constant rejection and ghosting that is becoming increasingly common in this part of the world?

What to do?

My one piece of advice is to trust your gut and decide which of these you need in the present moment:

  1. Pause – would it be beneficial to just stop? Not forever but just stop trying. Stop looking, stop applying and stop getting your hopes up only to be let down on repeat. Even taking a day or a week’s break will give you a chance to focus on yourself and recuperate a little rather than spending each day frustrated. Take a longer break if you need to and work on your wellbeing, building confidence and doing what you love until you feel ready to start again.
  2. Pivot – do you need to change direction or change approach? Are you looking on the wrong job sites? Could you join an agency or start some freelance work? What could you do differently in terms of the job search or the types of jobs you are applying for?
  3. Persist – do you need to keep going? Trust that something amazing is coming your way and have faith that you are doing everything you can to change the situation. If you are truly putting in the effort and doing what you can to secure a new role, you are in line for something soon.


When things do not go to our plan, but we are genuinely taking action to make changes, yet nothing is happening, this rejection is protection and something better than you can imagine is on its way. I know it is hard to believe when you are in the depths of despair feeling useless and undervalued in the professional world, but the jobs you have applied for were never the right roles for you and there is something just around the corner.

Have faith. Keep trying. Chin up. You cannot see it now, but you are getting closer to your next job as each day goes by.